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Upcoming Prize Bond Draw List December 2022 in Pakistan

Considering Prize Bonds as Gold Investments, they are bearer types of investment security that bear no premium or profit.

You can purchase a prize bond in denominations such as Rs. 100, Rs. 200, Rs. 750, Rs. 1500, Rs. 7500, Rs. 15,000, Rs. 25000, Rs. 40,000, and Rs. 40000. The upcoming prize bond draw is a lottery bond issued by the National Savings Pakistan (Ministry of Finance).

پرائز بانڈ کی معلومات کیلئے ہمارا گروپ جائن کریں

Join Our Group for the Prize Bond list and details

Pakistan’s series of Prize Bonds are limited to 1,000,000 (one million bonds). These bonds have no profit or interest, but every draw is quarterly. A lucky draw is held every quarter. Pakistan holds 36 lucky draws every year in major cities. 

Upcoming Prize Bond Schedule 2022

Approximately 70,600 Pakistani prize winners win Rs. 1.6 billion in prize money each year. In Pakistan, You can purchase different denominations of prize bonds.

From the start of the year, It uploaded the list for the next year. Prize bond draw schedules include the draw number, date, and venue. During a year, there are four lucky draws; some months have two, others three. 

Draws are held every 15 days. No draw is held on Sunday because it is a weekend day. Our Prize Bond Schedule will be updated on this page next year with all draw lists and cities. December 2022 will bring the latest Prize Bond Schedule.

Prize Bond List DEC 2022 In Pakistan

Learn about Prize Bond 2022 to find the schedule. To manage the next expected draw, we need to receive their schedule every year. The most popular prize bonds are 200, 750, and 1500, owned by mostly middle-class people. After buying some bonds, someone has made a fair amount from some of these worthy papers.

People sitting leisurely on tables and chairs tossing around guess papers is just a waste of time. Seeing only random figures, they choose the best suit that has not been drawn, offering it to many colleagues interested in buying and storing it. You will only have the time to manage your budget when these papers are scheduled.

25000 Prize Bond List 2022 – Complete Schedule

Pakistan has decided to discontinue the 25000 prize bond denomination, which is not included in the official gazette. Several months later, It will add this 25000 prize bond to the premium. Only registered banks will sell on the CNIC.

Upcoming Prize Bond Draw Schedule 2022-23

Here is the Prize bond Draw Schedule for 2022. Save the below image for further draw dates. National savings updates the Prize bond Draw Schedule 2022. In a few days, we’ll have the Prize Bond Schedule 2022.

Check online upcoming prize bond draw results list

Prize Bonds are drawn on a different date every year, so there is no fixed date for the draw. Check out 2022’s schedule here.

Upcoming Prize Bond Draw December 2022

Prize BondDraw #Date
Rs. 25000Draw #812-December-2022 Held In Lahore
Rs. 40000Draw #2312-December-2022 Held In Multan
Rs. 200Draw #9215-December-2022 Held In Faisalabad

Draws Lists For Previous Prize Bonds 2022

Prize BondDatePrizeWinner
Rs. 150015 November 20223,000,000623273 
Rs. 10015 November 2022700,000285258 
Rs. 75017 October 20221,500,000141795 
Rs. 20015 September 2022750,000130876 
Rs. 40000 premium12 September 202280,000,000386759
Rs. 10015 August 2022700,000060153 

In December 2022, you’ll find the next year’s prize bonds schedule. Keep giving us feedback so we can find the best way to use bond results to manage your money. These are the schedules for the next Prize Bond Draw.

Prize bond schedules help you sell and buy worthy papers at the right time. Set up your money to purchase the right denomination at the right time.

Prize Bond Draw List FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

Q. Who issues Prize Bonds?

As per instructions from the government of Pakistan, prize bonds in Pakistan are issued by the National Savings, Ministry of Finance, as part of its prize bond program.

Q. How Can I Claim Prize Bond Prize

  • You must submit your valid CNIC if you wish to claim your prize money from winning prize bonds.
  • The original prize bond must be signed by the applicant in order to receive the prize
  • A photocopy of the prize winning bond signed by the applicant.

Q. Can I Buy Prize Bond Online?

You cannot purchase Prize bonds online. To purchase bonds, visit your local bank, National Savings or State Bank. Online dealers and websites are not trusted.

Q. What are Prize Bond Guess Papers?

Prize bonds don’t have a formula, although several guess papers are available online. The only thing that matters is luck. Lotteries are the only way to win.

Q. Is There Any Prize Bond Guru or Guess Papers?

You can guess prize bond numbers with Prize Bond Gurus. Despite this, such things don’t exist. You cannot win the numbers with any algorithm or shortcut.

Farhan Ahmad
Farhan Ahmad
As a Blogger with 4+ years of experience, I can deliver high-quality blog posts that are SEO friendly, well-structured and highly optimized.


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