Thursday, February 6, 2025

CM Punjab Rozgar Loan Scheme 2024 Online Apply | Apna Rozgar Scheme

For , the Punjab Government has introduced the Apna Rozgar Scheme. First-time Punjab government to give interest-free loans. Thus, Punjab residents can register today for Punjab Rozgar loan Scheme online apply. 

Under the instructions of the Prime Minister, the CM of Punjab has put forward a special initiative to strengthen the youth. 

Punjab Rozgar Loan Scheme Apply Online Form

It is only possible to apply for Punjab Rozgar Scheme if you are a national. Alternatively, Prime Minister aims to promote the idea of self-employment in Pakistan.

Unemployed youth will be provided with 30 billion rupees in loan funds by the Punjab government. In addition, Punjab Green Development Loan continues for unemployed people.

New Punjab Rozgar Scheme Online Apply [Last Date]

An individual can borrow up to 1 Crore under the Punjab Rozgar Scheme. An initiative to provide Punjab Loans to entrepreneurs was introduced in Punjab.

To implement the Punjab Rozgar Scheme , Punjab Small Industries Corporation is responsible. Corporation for the development of small industries in Punjab.

CM Punjab Rozgar Scheme Online Application Form

Applications for loans have begun, and people have begun to fill them out. However, according to Pakistani guidelines, loans are only available to women aged 20-50.

A wide range of graduates and holders of diplomas or certificates from technical training institutions will be considered.

How To Apply For Apna Punjab Rozgar Scheme Online?

  • The first thing you need to do is visit the company’s official website
  • Alternatively, you may register by clicking the link above. 
  • After saving your password, you can enter: 
    • Your name
    • CNIC number
    • Mobile number 
  • After you have confirmed your account, you will receive an OTP to your registered mobile number.
  • Using your CNIC number and password, log in to your account. 
  • Apply for a Punjab Rozgar loan online by clicking here. 
  • To obtain more information about the Punjab Rozgar Loan Scheme, please get in touch with the Bank of Punjab.

Under Punjab Rozgar, what is the loan amount?

Under this program, applicants will be able to receive concessional loans amounting to over 30 billion rupees. Loans in the range of PKR 100,000 / – to PKR 10,000,000 / can be applied for by applicants

Bank Of Punjab Rozgar Scheme Status Check

An amount of 30 billion dollars can be accessed very easily. This program will significantly assist in the growth of small and medium enterprises and the reconstruction of Corona-affected companies. It will be possible to include their last day’s date in this article if they disclose it.

Punjab Rozgar Scheme Eligibility Criteria

The following eligibility criteria must be met by applicants for loans under the Punjab Employment Scheme:

  1. Age range: 20 to 50 years
  2. Gender: Males, females, and transgenders
  3. A Residence: Pakistani citizen and Punjab resident, verified by National Identity Card
  4. Location: Punjab
  5. Business type: Owned, partnered, or other eligible business
  6. e-CIB report corrected by State Bank of Pakistan
  7. A startup business plan: The most effective business plan
  8. Existing businesses: A business plan that mitigates the effects of the Corona Outbreak is most appropriate
  9. Hold a valid national identification card
  10. If any other criteria are imposed by the Punjab Small Industries Corporation (PSIC) / Government

Punjab Rozgar Scheme Helpline Number Detail

Address: Ground Floor, Alfalah Bui

Contact: 042- 99200439

Email: [email protected]

Farhan Ahmad
Farhan Ahmad
As a Blogger with 4+ years of experience, I can deliver high-quality blog posts that are SEO friendly, well-structured and highly optimized.


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