Thursday, February 6, 2025

HEC Ehsaas Scholarship 2024 For Undergraduate Students [Fully Funded] | Apply Online

In Pakistan, scholarships are offered through the Ehsaas program. Students who are undergraduate students are eligible to participate in HEC Ehsaas scholarship .

For their studies, students will be awarded a scholarship of 2 lakhs. Through this program, every student will receive education from the government.

Ehsaas Scholarship Application Form

Poverty makes higher education difficult in Pakistan. Access to higher education is unequal among those with the lowest income. Only 4% of zero-index children can attend college, which is much lower than the national average. The National Women’s Development 2017 ranked Pakistan as one of the youngest countries.

A population of nearly 220 million, with more than half of them in the university age group. This kind of program is ideal for providing access to financially deserving citizens of Pakistan. Providing equal opportunities to all. Young people have access to equal education under this government’s commitment to higher education.

Check also: Ehsaas Program Rs. 9000 online registration

How Can I Apply For Ehsaas Scholarship

A complete description of the Ehsaas Scholarship For Undergraduate Students -24 is provided below:

  • A 50% ratio for males and a 50% ratio for females 
  • 200,00 For the Next 4 Years
  • Fees for tuition and other expenses

Documents To Be Submitted

  • CNIC 
  • Father CNIC
  • Mother CNIC 
  • Salary slip/family background 
  • Four passport-size photographs
    • Telephone Bill
    • Electricity Bill
    • Gas Bill 
    • Water Bill

Eligibility Criteria

When you realize all these issues, you may realize that you are eligible if you are also in this program. However, there are several very important issues involved here.

  • First, you’ve got to complete it.
  • Public Sector Universities Recognized by HEC in New Section
  • Jack’s policy requires necessity and authentic information
  • A student is only admitted based on merit if they fulfill the institution’s admission criteria.
  • The HEC has approved degree programs.
  • HII’s undergraduate program also has a maximum age for applying.

Ehsaas Scholarship Online Apply [Full Guide]

  1. Scholarship applicants can submit their forms by blessing online at the official scholarship site. However, to apply for financial aid, a hard copy is required.
  2. According to the information in their applications, the University security community will create a brief history of all candidates. These candidates have provided family income, assets, and exemptions. Therefore, all records should be provided as evidence.
  3. If any of these requirements are not met, the application will be rejected
  4. The Institutional Finder Award Community Scholarship will recommend an interview
  5. Applicants must sign a stamp paper agreement of willingness
  6. The University of National Aid Office will offer Pan Scholarships
  7. The award is not transferable to another university’s study program during that session
  8. For the filling station year, Kashif will be released if he performs well
Ehsaas scholarship program HEC  program apply online
Farhan Ahmad
Farhan Ahmad
As a Blogger with 4+ years of experience, I can deliver high-quality blog posts that are SEO friendly, well-structured and highly optimized.


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